Think and Grow Rich – A Black Choice


Think and Grow Rich – A Black Choice, is a book by Dennis Kimbro and Napoleon Hill.   It turns out that when Napoleon Hill, the famous author of the original “Think and Grow Rich” passed away, he left a manuscript aimed at the specific economic problems of Black Americans. The Napoleon Hill Foundation selected Dennis Kimbro to complete it.


The book covers many of the Laws and ideas covered in Napoleon Hill’s earlier classic works, Think and Grow Rich and The Laws of Success.  The story goes that Hill received these Laws from some of the greatest and most successful industrial titans of the 20th century.  Early in his career as a novice reporter, Hill was able to set up an interview with the great multimillionaire steel magnate, Andrew Carnegie.  At the end of the interview, Carnegie asked Hill if he would be willing to give 20 years of his life interviewing the most accomplished and wealthiest Men and women of the day to probe for the secrets of their success.  Hill said that he would, and Carnegie used his immense standing in the world to arrange interviews for Hill with great industrialists like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell, F.W. Woolworth, and the list goes on and on. From these interviews, certain characteristics of successful people appeared over and over.  It was these Laws that Hill wrote about in his classic works and in Think and Grow Rich – A Black Choice!

Some of the Laws covered in the book include:

  1.  Law of Thought

What you think about grows in your experience.  The more you think about the bad things in your experience, the more likely they are to continue appearing in your experience.  If you want to change your life experience, you have to change your thoughts to more positive things.  Kimbro says you must figure out what your Major Definite Purpose is in life and Concentrate your positive thoughts on that. Good fortune nurtures good fortune. It is the starting point of all achievement!

2.  Law of Cause and Effect

Thoughts are causes.  The conditions in your life are effects.  Never forget that.  Kimbro quotes the scriptures and says Whatever you send out into the world in word, thought, or deed, will sooner or later return to you.  All truly successful people know this!

3.  Law of Use it or Lose it!

Practice makes perfect!  Kimbro says there is simply no achievement without practice, practice and more practice.  To achieve any standard of excellence, to accomplish anything extraordinary, you must aim high and be disciplined and willing to devote long hours to the task at hand.  Intelligent practice is the price of proficiency and the secret to attainment!

4.  Law of Correspondence

Your External World is only a mirror or a refection of your internal world.  This means that even if things are not going so well for you, you must pretend that they are because if you feel bad inside, that is what will show up in your physical world outside.  This means that we are not powerless to our circumstances.  We can improve them just by changing the internal mood we bring to the world.  In other words, you must bring a success consciousness to everything you do!

5.  Law of Substitution

The only way to rid yourself of a negative thought is to substitute another one for it.  It is very difficult not to think of something that has entered your consciousness.  That is because your conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time.  So you can’t say to your self that I am not going to think about this anymore.  You must substitute a more positive thought for the negative one!

6.  Law of Belief

I have always been amazed by the idea of confidence.  Why is it that just because you think you can do something better, you actually can?  Everyone has felt this!  Kimbro writes that The Law of Belief states that anything you believe with feeling will become real in your life, whether it be a positive belief, such as a goal or specific desire, or a negative belief, such as a self-limiting idea.  Belief is the key to the basic mind power that turns dreams into realities and the mental into the physical.  Make sure all your beliefs are positive and moving you in the direction of your goals!

7.  Law of Attraction

Your thoughts are magnetic.  Like attracts Like.  If you are always moody, negative, judgemental, etc., you will also draw those types of people into your life.  On the other hand, if you are nice, successful, kind, and generous, you will draw those kinds of people in your life.  Success breeds Success.  Remember that!

8.  Law of Compensation

Although it may take time, you are rewarded for your good and punished for the bad.  That  is how it works!  As you give, so shall you receive!  Give willingly, without thought of what you will receive in return.  And your life will be better for it!


These Laws boil down to one idea – Change your thoughts and change your life.  Think of yourself as a human magnet and draw the ideas, circumstances and people you need to be successful to your doorstep!

Here are Napoleon Hills other Success books you might want to look at or purchase: