A Course in Miracles Thought – Channeling

Week of 11/25/19

How Do You Feel About Channeling??

A Course in Miracles is a fairly well-known and widely discussed Spiritual book first published in 1975. It was sort of a collaboration between Helen Schucman and William William Thetford, both professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University. Marie and William were not particularly religious people, but Marie started receiving images and information from a Voice that was both compelling and unusual. So much so that she and William decided it should be published.

A key point about this widely distributed volume is that the Voice was channeled directly to Marie by Jesus himself! So a lot of how much you get from the book’s content will depend on if you believe its source.

Most people don’t have a problem with the Bible being channeled through Moses or some of the other biblical prophets, but many struggle believing anything written today could be channeled from God.

Two of my favorite spiritual books today are channeled. The first was “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch. This was really a series of books channeled by God to the Author which answered many of the questions we all have about God, our existence here on earth, and the universe.

The second was a book called “Disappearance of the Universe:” by Gary Renard. Gary was visited in his living room by what he referred to as Two ascended masters who shared the secrets of the universe with him over a period of several years. This book was noteworthy to me because those secrets really came from “A Course in Miracles” so these masters basically explained the secrets found there, and presented a better understanding of its concepts and Principles ,and how best to use those principles in your quest for salvation and a better life.

I had actually purchased “A Course in Miracles over 20 years ago. I had heard it was a must-read volume for anyone on a Path to a better spiritual understanding of themselves and the world. I tried to read it several times but just couldn’t get into it at all. I found it boring at times, impractical, and difficult to read and understand. However, after reading the “Disappearance of the Universe, it gave me a much clearer understanding of the Course concepts and a desire to go back to the Course volume to get a more complete understanding. When I went back to it, I found that I couldn’t put it down, and what once seemed dry and impractical now seemed wise and earth shaking in it appeal and approach to the world.

In terms of channeling, it certainly is easy to wonder if the person is a fraud, just making it up, or just has an active imagination. However, I have decided I am not smart enough to be able to tell for sure if that is the case. In the books above, though, I think some of the information provided is so new, groundbreaking, and thoughtfully presented that I can see the possibility that it comes from somewhere else. And even if my logical mind wont allow me to accept that, I can at least try to follow the precepts to see if it brings about positive change in my life.

Over the next several weeks, I will be sharing some of those concepts here in my blog as a Course in Miracles “Thought for the Week”. I hope you find them useful or at least thought provoking as you go about your every day existence. Please share your thoughts if you feel an urge to!!!

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