Conversations with God – Book One




Conversations with God was one of those life changing reads for me.  At first glance, the premise of the book might seem impractical.  Here is a guy that had lost his job, lost his family and friends, had major health issues from an automobile accident, and he is telling us that he got so frustrated and fed up with his life that he sat down and wrote a scathing letter to God about his problems.  After finishing the last angry question to God about his terrible life, out of nowhere, in his mind came a question:

“Do you really want an answer to these questions or are you just venting? ”  And from that one question grew  3+ books worth of Conversations with God!

Even as I write this, it sounds pretty incredible or weird, especially for someone like me that prides himself in being a fairly intelligent, logical thinking human being — yet I was intrigued.

Do you ever think about why we take the words of the Bible as being sacred and true?  Why do we automatically accept that Moses and the other writers of the books of the Bible had direct access to God?  Weren’t these words really coming to them in their minds also?   What about the prophets?  How do we know that their words came direct from God, or were they just making them up??  The early Catholic Church looked at all the old sacred writings and it was the church that decided which would go into the Bible and which did not – How do we know that they had a direct access to God to make that choice?  Doesn’t that take a bit of a leap of faith?

At any rate, I decided to read on.  Even the author challenges God about these same things.  How could he know that the ideas and concepts in the book are not just made up or figments of his own imagination.  God’s answer was to take the ideas and concepts  and apply them to your life.  If they work for you, what does it matter how you got to them?

Some of the concepts that I found worked for me are as follows:

1. Feelings are the language of the Soul!  If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how you are feeling about it!

2.  God is the observer – not the creator.  It is not God’s function to create or un-create the conditions and circumstances of your life.  You create them through the Power God has given you through your thoughts.  Thoughts are creative!  And God stands to assist you in the Power he has given you!

This is of great importance for minorities.  Could the thoughts we have about our situation be the main reason it is so difficult to pull ourselves out of it?  Can we change our conditions by changing our thoughts and attitudes toward our lives?

3.  There are two base emotions or energies:

a.  Fear is the energy that contracts closes down, draws in, runs hides, hoards, harms.

b.  Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out,, stays, shares, heals.

Are you making your decisions out of Love or Fear! Every action taken by human beings is based in love or fear.

4.  God’s purpose in creating human beings is to know himself as God.  There is no way for him to do that except through us (Humans).  We are made of the same stuff as God (spirit) with all the same properties and abilities.  (Isn’t that what Jesus said?)

5.  Upon entering the physical universe, you relinquish your remembrance of yourself (as spirit).  Your job on earth is not to learn but to re-member who you are.  (Could that be why we look for answers to spiritual questions as we grow older).

6.  Pain from an outer situation results from the judgement you have made about it.  Remove the judgement and you remove the pain!

7.  Hell is not a place that God sends you.  “Yet there is an experience of the soul that is so unhappy, so incomplete, so less that whole, so separated from God’s greatest joy, that to our soul, it would feel like hell.”

8.  “All that is required is to know this.  For you are the creator of your reality, and life can show up in no other way for you than in the way in which you think it will.  You think it into being,  This is the first step in creation.  God the father is thought,  Your thought is the parent which gives birth to all things.

This is a very powerful book with very powerful concepts. I would encourage all who are so inclined and think about spiritual things and ideas to read it!


2 comments on “Conversations with God – Book One

  1. I was in a Conversations with God discussion group online before Facebook was around. Lasted several years. I read the first three books. Very insightful, but I found it limited the concept of GOD. Made God an extension of our personhood. If this is your path, that’s fine.

    • Thanks for your comment Ed. I enjoyed the first three books also but thought book one was best. I sort of like the idea of God being an extension of our personhood. One of the other books on the site called The Power Within by Eric Butterfield said that Christianity had almost downplayed the real importance of Jesus – not that he was the son of God but that we (humans)are a part of God and that we are capable of everything that he did. That is very key in my eyes. What do you think?

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